Watch what you say... tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean the little one can now pick up your voice. Eyebrows, lashes and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming. And, if you're interested, an ultrasound might be able to determine gender.
How Far Along: 16 weeks and 5 days
Total weight gain: I had gained 2 lbs at the doctor's office yesterday, so now I'm back to what I was at my first visit.
Maternity clothes: My jeans are definitely starting to fit a little tighter. I'm pretty sure they'll be comfortable for only a few more weeks.
Sleep: I'm no more tired than usual and I'm FINALLY able to sleep past 8 AM on my days off. Yipee! Well, if you don't count getting up to pee anywhere between 2 AM and 7 AM.
Best Moment this week: I got to hear the baby's heartbeat at the doctor's office yesterday and on Wednesday at work, we got out the Sonosite machine (which is kind of like a lower grade ultrasound) and we were able to see the baby's profile and they were busy sucking their thumb! So cute! They were just moving all around and they kept putting their butt in our face! The nurse doing it said she couldn't see a penis, but she wasn't sure because it wasn't the best quality image. On Sunday, the wife of one of my patients wondered aloud if I was pregnant during our conversation. Apparently I'm showing to people who don't know I'm pregnant!
Movement: I think I may have felt it on Sunday morning when I was laying on my stomach in bed. It felt like a fluttering that kept getting faster and faster. I haven't felt it since, but most people think it was the baby. I know it's very active in there, but I just can't feel it yet!
Gender: Still unsure, but we have our gender determination ultrasound tomorrow, aka Red Pants Day (thanks Claire!!). Hopefully the baby will cooperate because there are soooo many people who are waiting for the news!
Labor signs: None and I hope not to see any for a long time!
Belly button: Innie
Cravings: I was craving Cinnamon Toast Crunch earlier this week. Craving satisfied and it is yummo!
Nausea: Not having any anymore (thank goodness!) and I wouldn't necessarily call what I have while in the shower or brushing my teeth morning sickness. I'm not nauseated when I wake up, I just gag severely and end up throwing up. Hopefully that will pass soon.
What I miss: Not having to worry about my blood pressure. It was elevated at the doctor's office at my last visit, but I told him it's usually only high at the office. He wanted me to keep track of it at work and I have. The results aren't good. The two times I've checked it at work, it's been 133/92 and 141/95. Yikes. At home and at my yearly employee health physical last week, it's been normal. My mom and I went to Sam's before my appointment yesterday and I took it there after walking around for 30 minutes and it was 124/80. However, at the doctor's office an hour later, it was 151/86. They were definitely concerned since I'm having feet and ankle swelling already too. They ordered some blood work, so I'm waiting on them to call me with the results and whether or not I have to go on a blood pressure medication, labetalol. I was researching it last night and it's made me nervous. It's a class C drug, meaning there hasn't been enough research on pregnant women. There has been evidence of low fetal heart rate and blood pressure at birth. I know one of the best ways to lower your blood pressure is to relax, but that's slightly difficult when the doctor may want you to take something that could harm your baby. Blah.
Stretch Marks: No new ones
Weekly wisdom: Patience is a virtue. And one that I don't come by honestly. I need to work on it!
What I am looking forward to this week: Seeing our baby tomorrow and hopefully finding out what we're having. I'll post again tomorrow!
When I was growing up, reading was a hugely important part of my life. My maternal grandmother was a librarian, my paternal grandmother was a teacher, and my mom was a teacher. I loved books and I still love them today. I want my child to grow up loving to read as much as I did. And I want them to read some of the classic books I did. The Friends of the Library group in Houston County is having their annual Old Book Sale and my mom and I went yesterday. We went with the intention of buying children's books and buy we did! We spent almost 2 hours perusing the children's section and I found a lot of great books, including some classics like The Ugly Duckling, The Little Red Caboose, Bambi, and The Cat in the Hat. I also got a lot of Berenstain Bears, Clifford the Big Red Dog, and Little Golden books. I can't wait to start reading to my baby! I got all of the books pictured below (59 books!) for $21.75!