Baby's digestive system is busy creating meconium (a tarry black substance made of swallowed amniotic fluid, digestive secretion and dead cells), which will fill the first diaper after birth. And, speaking of the diaper situation... baby's genitals are now fully formed!
How Far Along: 20 weeks and 5 days
Total weight gain: I was down 2 lbs at the doctor's office on Monday, making me 2 lbs less than at my first visit. The doctor isn't concerned because Amelia is growing normally. She's actually in the 60th percentile for weight (at 14 oz), so she's definitely getting most of my groceries!
Maternity clothes: My jeans are still fitting normally, without a belt though. I need to go shopping for more shirts!
Sleep: This week it's good! I still wake up around 7:30 or 8 on my days off to pee, but I'm able to go back to sleep and don't get up until 12 or so...usually because my phone wakes me up by then.
Best Moment this week: Seeing our baby girl on Monday and hearing that everything is going great. My blood pressure was better and the doctor was pleased with my progress. We also got the bedding in this week. We put it in place, but the rest of the room is in disarray, so I'll post pictures when it's all done!
Movement: I'm feeling it now! It's an odd, but absolutely amazing feeling. I can't wait until Thomas can feel her kick!
Gender: Sweet baby girl!
Labor signs: None and I hope not to see any for a long time!
Belly button: Innie
Cravings: I'm having the opposite problem....I can't find anything I want to eat. Nothing seems appetizing and even when I start eating something that I think I want, I'm like, "Blah. This is definitely not it." Hopefully that will pass soon.
Nausea: I've only thrown up a few times while brushing my teeth this week...yay! Progress!
What I miss: Being able to get through a day at work without excruciating leg pan. My pelvis has been kind of sore the past couple of weeks and I knew that was normal. But at work, or at home even, if I've been sitting for a little bit, the first step I take with my right leg when I get up is really painful and it makes me want to hit my knees and curl up in the fetal position. Once I get moving, it feels a lot better, but it's those first few steps that are really awful. I talked to the doctor about it and he said it's the ligaments stretching in response to the progesterone making everything else stretch. Fun. He suggested I try some of the exercises in the "What To Expect" book.
Stretch Marks: Still present and accounted for.
Weekly wisdom: My co-workers are really protective of me and won't let me do anything too strenuous. I'm used to doing everything myself, so it's an adjustment to let go of certain things. But it's so nice to know they're looking out for me!
What I am looking forward to this week: Having dinner with my mom and going to see "Sex and the City 2" tonight, then going to her Red Hat luncheon tomorrow. Good times with mama!