Thursday, July 29, 2010

29 Weeks

Baby is now the size of a squash!
Baby’s energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath the skin. (Have those kicks and jabs to the ribs tipped you off yet?) Baby is also settling into sleep and waking cycles, though -- as you’ve also probably noticed -- they don’t necessarily coincide with your own. Also this month, all five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going through major developments.

How Far Along: 29 weeks and 5 days
Total weight gain: I was up 2 lbs at the doctor's office on Wednesday!
Maternity clothes: Still rockin my capris and maternity shirts. My sleepwear of choice these days is a wife beater and underwear. It keeps me cool and it's not constricting.
Sleep: Decent. Some nights I actually get up 2-3 times to pee, which is annoying. I know they say to limit your fluid intake before bed, but it's kind of hard to do that when you don't get home from work until 7:30 and have to eat dinner and try to get in bed by 9:30. And that has a lot to do with my crazy heartburn too!
Best Moment this week: Seeing our sweet girl on ultrasound and hearing that everything looked great. The heart has 4 chambers and the umbilical cord has 3 vessels (just as they're supposed to be!), so that was a relief. She's weighing 3 lbs, 7 oz this week and she was in breech position. Hopefully she'll make her turn before too long and stay put! I also had to do my glucose challenge, which involved drinking a very sweet orange Kool-Aid-like drink. I had to drink it in 5 minutes, but it wasn't too bad. Then I had to wait an hour and then have blood drawn. They said the results would be back on Thursday and they would only call if there was something abnormal. I still haven't heard from them, so yay!
Movement: I love to just sit still and watch my belly move. It's awesome! She's still playing tricks on Thomas where when he tries to feel her, she stops moving. She's a mischievous little one!
Gender: Sweet baby girl!
Labor signs: I may or may not be having Braxton Hicks contractions. The doctor said some first time moms don't have them at all. As long as I don't have any other labor signs, that's okay with me!
Belly button: Innie
Cravings: I keep craving sweet stuff, especially Wednesday morning when I couldn't eat anything sweet before my test. I bought a homemade lemon cheesecake from a co-worker this week and I've been enjoying it very much.
Nausea: I don't think I've been nauseated all week until this morning. I'm on call today, so I had to get up and get a shower and I felt like crap when I got out. Luckily that's better now.
What I miss: Not having the sensation of fire in my throat on a nightly basis. And I really wish Tums tasted better.
Stretch Marks: Present and accounted for!
New/Weird Pregnancy Symptom: It is really uncomfortable to put on my socks in the morning...or doing anything that requires me to bend over...and of course I drop things more often these days.
Weekly wisdom: We're getting closer and closer! I got the invitation to my first shower this week...I can't wait!
What I am looking forward to this week: We get to see Amelia again on 3D/4D ultrasound this coming Tuesday and we've got our Prepared Childbirth Class next Saturday.

***I've had several requests to increase my blogging frequency to twice a week. If I can find something to write about, I will! Thanks to my followers!***

Saturday, July 24, 2010

28 Weeks

This is a picture of Thomas and I back in
June before my Class Reunion dinner

How Far Along: 28 weeks and 6 days
Total weight gain: My scale this morning said I had gained 2 lbs. We'll see what the doctor's office scale says on Wednesday!
Maternity clothes: Enjoying my new t-shirts that I've been wearing to work. It's hard to find new places for all my stuff (i.e. pens, papers, blood gas kits, cartridges, etc.) since I don't have my normal pockets, but I'm working that out.
Sleep: I'm waking up anywhere between midnight and 4 AM to pee and take some Tums. I don't usually do one without the other!
Best Moment this week: Going shopping yesterday in Atlanta for things for the nursery. At Garden Ridge (a must see if you like home decor items at really good prices!), I got a hamper, a basket to sit next to the recliner for breast-feeding supplies, curtain rods (for whenever I buy the drapes), and a round rug for in front of the crib. At Ikea (my first trip to the store...very neat!), I got a bookshelf and some neat drawer organizers. We also went to The Sugarplum Tree in Perry today to register. I picked out some beautiful clothes! She's going to be so well-dressed!
Movement: She's a little acrobat in there! Cute story: the other day at work, I was having trouble drawing blood from a patient and I had to call another therapist to come try. She couldn't get it either, so I tried one more time. I got it and said out loud: "Sweet!" Miss Amelia started doing somersaults as if to say, "Yay mommy!" I love her!
Gender: Sweet baby girl!
Labor signs: I think I may have had some Braxton Hicks contractions last night. It kind of felt like things were tightening up, but I don't really know what to look for. I'll have to ask the doctor.
Belly button: Innie
Cravings: My new favorite thing is to add craisins to a salad. I have known about them, but never really thought it would be a good combo. I added them to a salad from the bar at work and loved it so much that I got a salad from Zaxby's that night and had another one for lunch the next day.
Nausea: I got sick when I got out of the shower one day this week and ended up having a nose bleed at the same time. That's a new one. Good times.
What I miss: Not sweating all the freaking time!
Stretch Marks: Present and accounted for!
New/Weird Pregnancy Symptom: Nose bleed when throwing up. Yuck. That's all I'll gross you out with.
Weekly wisdom: Keep moving! It's the only thing that will keep you from being so sore!
What I am looking forward to this week: Getting to see my sweet girl on ultrasound this coming Wednesday at my doctor's appointment. I also get to do my glucose tolerance test and while that may not be fun, at least it's a milestone. A week from Tuesday we get to do our 3D/4D ultrasound. I can't wait to see her two weeks in a row!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

27 Weeks

Sorry for the delay, but no new pics of me this week! I'm sure you would rather see what Amelia might look like any way!

How Far Along: 27 weeks and 6 days
Total weight gain: None. Even after being at the beach!
Maternity clothes: I wore one of my new maternity shirts with my scrubs to work yesterday. I had lots of people tell me how pregnant I look and I could see people's reaction from a distance when they saw me, their eyes went straight to my belly. It's like they were saying, "Oh you're pregnant! I thought you had just gained a bunch of weight!"
Sleep: It's pretty decent when I can get some sleep. I'm still staying awake for a while if I have to get up in the middle of the night and I can't go to sleep on nights after I've taken a nap.
Best Moment this week: Thomas was finally able to feel Amelia kicking! He felt her on Tuesday night and last night she actually made his finger move. So neat!
Movement: Lots and lots. I can see different parts of my belly moving and that is just too cool. While I'm ready to meet her (when it's time!), feeling her move inside me is something I will definitely miss. It is just an amazing experience.
Gender: Sweet baby girl!
Labor signs: None and I hope not to see any for a long time! I don't think I've felt any Braxton Hicks contractions yet either.
Belly button: Innie
Cravings: I've been craving more sweet stuff lately. Especially after lunch for some reason.
Nausea: I've only had one instance of gagging and vomiting this week. Yay progress!
What I miss: Love it all!
Stretch Marks: Present and accounted for!
New/Weird Pregnancy Symptom: There hasn't been anything strange this week, but I'll share something funny. I bought some lanolin cream to soften and prep my nips for breastfeeding and when I was applying it the other night, Scarlett was in the bathroom with me. She started sniffing around me and turned around and left the bathroom with a little growl. I don't know if she didn't like the smell (it doesn't have a smell as far as I can tell) or didn't like what I was doing. It was hilarious!
Weekly wisdom: We are so blessed to have family and friends that care so much about Amelia already. She is so loved! Of course, this is something I already knew, but it's always nice to think about.
What I am looking forward to this week: Entering my third trimester!

Friday, July 9, 2010

26 Weeks

You get another look at what Amelia might look like this week since she's still the size of an eggplant. Hopefully new pics of pregnant me will be posted this week or next!

How Far Along: 26 weeks and 5 days
Total weight gain: I haven't gotten on the scale in the past 2 weeks, so I'm not 100% on what it says, but I can make a pretty good guess!
Maternity clothes: I bought a bunch of solid color t-shirts at the Motherhood Maternity outlet store in Destin this week so I can wear them with my scrub pants. My normal scrub pants are fitting fine, but my shirts are getting a little uncomfortably tight.
Sleep: Unfortunately, when I get up in the middle of the night to pee, I can't go back to sleep for about an hour. This is especially annoying when I have to get up at 5 for work! I've also been having some really strange dreams and while I'm dreaming them, I know they're strange, but I often don't remember them. The two I remember most involve George Clooney and rock climbing. Weird.
Best Moment this week: Being at the beach with my fam! I had to work Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday so I wouldn't have to take any vacation time, but it's been great being here, even for only a few days. I've done some hardcore shopping (3 hours straight at Silver Sands!), eaten some good food, and gotten some sun(burn). Not too pinky though....yay for me!
Movement: Still very active! That's one thing I'm definitely going to miss about being pregnant.
Gender: Sweet baby girl!
Labor signs: None and I hope not to see any for a long time!
Belly button: Innie
Cravings: Not many cravings this week, but I've been eating some good food at the beach. Unfortunately, not eating what I would normally have: oysters, crab legs, etc. Oh well...there's always next year!
Nausea: The only time I get really nauseated these days is if I don't eat for a long time. It's usually fixed with eating though. I'm still gagging when brushing my teeth, sometimes more severely than others. Lesson learned: don't eat a banana before brushing teeth. Not fun coming back up.
What I miss: Love it all!
Stretch Marks: Present and accounted for!
Weekly wisdom: No matter how many times you stop to stretch during a long car ride, your ankles will still be swollen when you arrive at your destination!
What I am looking forward to this week: Enjoying my last day at the beach relaxing!

I'm adding a new category this week!
New/Weird Pregnancy Symptom: Last week, I noticed a place on the right side of my tongue that looked like it was being affected by a sharp tooth or something. I went to the dentist because it kept getting bigger and it turns out I have what's called "Geographic Tongue." It's a common thing during pregnancy and menopause due to hormone fluctuations, and since I was taking a lot at conception, I was more likely to develop it. It doesn't hurt, but unfortunately there's no treatment. And it may or may not go away after delivery....yikes!

This week's symptom (and may be've been warned!) is something I discovered after I got out of the shower on Monday morning. I knew I had dried off, but I kept feeling something wet on my left breast. I looked closer and it was leaking! I must admit, I freaked a little because I didn't know that was normal at this stage. But apparently it is and women that leak early tend not to have trouble breastfeeding later. Let's hope that's true! It really hit home that I'm actually pregnant! Crazy times!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Double digits baby!!

We're under 100 days y'all! I can't believe it!

25 Weeks

Baby is now the size of an eggplant!
Inside the womb, the formation of tiny capillaries is giving baby a healthy pink glow. Baby's also soaking up your antibodies, getting the immune system ready for life outside the womb. Eyes are forming, and baby will soon perfect the blink -- perfect for batting those freshly grown lashes.

How Far Along: 25 weeks and 6 days
Total weight gain: I haven't weighed this week, but I'd be willing to bet money that it hasn't changed any!
Maternity clothes: I haven't worn my jeans lately because it's just too hot, so I've been pretty much living in maternity capris. As far as work goes, my scrub pants are fitting comfortably, but some of my shirts are getting tighter, so I'm going to have to come up with a new solution soon.
Sleep: It's pretty good except for the obligatory pee break, but I'm having some really crazy dreams!
Best Moment this week: Getting to play with the machine at work where I can see my sweet girl. She was really active and it was so neat to see her kick and feel it at the same time.
Movement: She's a very active little one! She gets especially rowdy when I lean forward in my seat because I'm crowding her. It's awesome!
Gender: Sweet baby girl!
Labor signs: None and I hope not to see any for a long time!
Belly button: Innie
Cravings: I've been craving sweets a lot more lately, but luckily we don't keep much in the house, so I haven't over-indulged. Thank goodness!
Nausea: I haven't been throwing up as much when brushing my teeth this week. Where's some wood to knock on?!
What I miss: Loving every minute of my life!
Stretch Marks: The new ones are still confined to my stomach for now and hopefully it will stay that way!
Weekly wisdom: Our little girl is going to be so loved....and spoiled rotten! I already knew this, but it's always fun to think about.
What I am looking forward to this week: Going to the beach on Tuesday!! The rest of the fam is already down there, but Kristen and I are driving down Tuesday when I get off work. Now, if only I can make it through 3 days in a row of work...