Baby’s energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath the skin. (Have those kicks and jabs to the ribs tipped you off yet?) Baby is also settling into sleep and waking cycles, though -- as you’ve also probably noticed -- they don’t necessarily coincide with your own. Also this month, all five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going through major developments.
How Far Along: 29 weeks and 5 days
Total weight gain: I was up 2 lbs at the doctor's office on Wednesday!
Maternity clothes: Still rockin my capris and maternity shirts. My sleepwear of choice these days is a wife beater and underwear. It keeps me cool and it's not constricting.
Sleep: Decent. Some nights I actually get up 2-3 times to pee, which is annoying. I know they say to limit your fluid intake before bed, but it's kind of hard to do that when you don't get home from work until 7:30 and have to eat dinner and try to get in bed by 9:30. And that has a lot to do with my crazy heartburn too!
Best Moment this week: Seeing our sweet girl on ultrasound and hearing that everything looked great. The heart has 4 chambers and the umbilical cord has 3 vessels (just as they're supposed to be!), so that was a relief. She's weighing 3 lbs, 7 oz this week and she was in breech position. Hopefully she'll make her turn before too long and stay put! I also had to do my glucose challenge, which involved drinking a very sweet orange Kool-Aid-like drink. I had to drink it in 5 minutes, but it wasn't too bad. Then I had to wait an hour and then have blood drawn. They said the results would be back on Thursday and they would only call if there was something abnormal. I still haven't heard from them, so yay!
Movement: I love to just sit still and watch my belly move. It's awesome! She's still playing tricks on Thomas where when he tries to feel her, she stops moving. She's a mischievous little one!
Gender: Sweet baby girl!
Labor signs: I may or may not be having Braxton Hicks contractions. The doctor said some first time moms don't have them at all. As long as I don't have any other labor signs, that's okay with me!
Belly button: Innie
Cravings: I keep craving sweet stuff, especially Wednesday morning when I couldn't eat anything sweet before my test. I bought a homemade lemon cheesecake from a co-worker this week and I've been enjoying it very much.
Nausea: I don't think I've been nauseated all week until this morning. I'm on call today, so I had to get up and get a shower and I felt like crap when I got out. Luckily that's better now.
What I miss: Not having the sensation of fire in my throat on a nightly basis. And I really wish Tums tasted better.
Stretch Marks: Present and accounted for!
New/Weird Pregnancy Symptom: It is really uncomfortable to put on my socks in the morning...or doing anything that requires me to bend over...and of course I drop things more often these days.
Weekly wisdom: We're getting closer and closer! I got the invitation to my first shower this week...I can't wait!
What I am looking forward to this week: We get to see Amelia again on 3D/4D ultrasound this coming Tuesday and we've got our Prepared Childbirth Class next Saturday.