9:30 AM Pre-op at Dr. Butler's
(Signed my consent, got my post-op instructions and my very important Lortab prescription)
9:55 AM Shopping for an Easter dress at Dress Barn
(literally standing outside before they unlock the doors in the freezing wind because I have places to be people!)
11:00 AM Pre-op appointment at the hospital
(After waiting an HOUR, answering questions, getting blood drawn, EKG)
1:00 PM Employee Health appointment
(Yearly physical for work, TB test)
2:15 PM Drop-in CPR
(Yearly requirement to show I know how to save people's lives)
4:00 PM Stop by Walmart to get my glasses adjusted
(I knew I would be wearing them for a large part of Thursday and they wouldn't stay on my face. I've always wanted the rimless glasses and I finally have them. NEVER AGAIN. They are constantly needing adjustment!)
4:30 PM Pedicures with my Mama!
(Much-needed for the viewing pleasure of my toes for the general public and some quick relaxation)
6:00 PM Hair appointment
(Cut and color with my fabulous Jenny!)
7:30 PM Shopping at Target
(I needed some things for Amelia's Easter basket)
Even though I was crazy busy, it kept my mind off of being hungry (somewhat). I did have my trusty cooler in the car filled to the brim with Gatorade and Jello! I also had some chicken broth during the day which kinda sorta hit the spot because it was warm and something different.
Dr. Butler had told me at his office to be at the hospital at 10 AM. REALLY MAN? I've got to go that much longer without eating?! Thomas dropped Amelia off at the babysitter's that morning and then we headed to the hospital. My mom and dad met us there and they called me back around 10:30. The nurse started my IV and after awhile, Drs. Hawkins and Butler and anesthesia came to see me. The same anesthesiologist put me to sleep last time and when I told him that and how I'd done this surgery before, he said, "Same song, different verse." I told him about how that was the title of my most recent blog post.
The OR nurse came to get me shortly thereafter and wheeled me back to the OR. I remember getting up on the table, them strapping my arms down and putting my SCDs (sleeves on my legs to prevent blood clots) and leads on my chest. The nurse told me she was giving me some happy juice and the next thing I knew, the recovery room nurse was asking me my pain scale (which was 7 for those of you concerned). I ended up with 3 doses of Dilaudid and some wonderful Sprite. My co-workers, Pam and Francine, came by to see me and I kinda remember what we talked about. At one point I remember being nice and relaxed and someone came by my bed and tapped my foot telling me to take some deep breaths because my oxygen was dropping (87-88%). So I did my pursed lip breathing and was on the nurse like white on rice every few minutes asking what my sat was. I'm not really sure how long I was in recovery, but the nurse eventually gave Thomas my discharge instructions and we got to leave.
But here's where the "say what now?" comes in. When I was coherent enough to ask Thomas what Dr. Butler found, he said, "Nothing. They didn't find anything. No endometriosis." Excuse me? So I've been having 60+ day cycles for no reason? Even 6 days out from surgery, I'm still dumbfounded by that. But, we have our post-op appointment next Wednesday to discuss the non-findings and what our next step is.
I dozed on the couch for the rest of the day Thursday and slept on the couch that night. I did not want a repeat of the gas pains I had last time, so I slept on an incline and didn't have any problems. Hallelujah! Thomas had to go to work on Friday, but my mom was here and took good care of me, of course. I had already planned to go down to her house in Perry on Friday and spend the weekend and go to church with them on Sunday. We had to stop by Employee Health (for 30 seconds) to have my TB test read. Nine years down and still negative! Whoo! I felt really good on Saturday, so much that I went clothes shopping. We had cooking to do Saturday evening and I felt good the whole time. Sunday was great: went to church, had lunch at Char's, and the Easter egg hunt. Then Monday came and I felt like C.R.A.P. I had no energy despite the fact that I had slept most of the day. I was supposed to go back to work Tuesday, but I had to call in because there was no way I could function for 12 hours the way I was feeling.
The nurse at Dr. Butler's office, Cynthia, and I finally stopped playing phone tag on Tuesday morning and when I described how I was feeling and what I had done Sunday, she said it sounded like I had overdone it and my body was telling me to slow down. It made sense, but I did all those things Sunday because I felt so good! She was able to give me a work excuse through Friday, so I'm out of work until next Monday. I really did not anticipate it hitting me like that, but it did. So...I've been resting the past two days and trying not to do anything too strenuous.
That's all for now! I'll post more after our appointment next Wednesday!