Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Well, that's interesting...

The last we left off, I was dealing with not being able to have the insemination. I didn't cry any after my last post and I was able to enjoy what was left of my vacation. I don't think I mentioned it in my previous posts, but we were actually on vacation while all of that transpired. I was so relieved that everything had fallen into place and was going to happen while we were on vacation so I didn't have to worry about leaving work for appointments. My parents had rented a lake house about an hour and a half from our house, so I was able to drive to Macon for each of my appointments.

I had to go back to work the following Monday and worked through Thursday so that I could have Friday-Monday off at the lake. We had a great time and enjoyed being on the water. On Friday, it looked like I was about to start my period. I was disappointed, of course, but I was also expecting it. On the positive side, that Friday was day 28 of my cycle, so it meant that my body was actually acting like it was supposed to. But it didn't come. And Tuesday would have been the day I took a pregnancy test if I hadn't started yet if we had done the insemination.

I had to work on Tuesday and I came home to an empty house because Thomas and Amelia were still at the lake. I took the test and busied myself with laundry while it processed. I went back to look at this is what it said...

I was shaking and had to keep looking at it to make sure it was real. I texted Thomas a picture of it and told him to call me ASAP. He didn't call me after about 30 seconds (impatient? Yes!), so I called my mom and asked to speak to Thomas. I told him to look at his phone and call me right back. He did and his first words were, "See? We don't need them!" We talked for a few more minutes and he said, "So can we tell your mom now?" I said yes but only if I could tell her. So I FaceTimed her and showed her the result. Needless to say, she was ecstatic. I made a few more phone calls and was actually able to go to sleep that night. I called the doctor's office the next day to see if I needed to come in for blood work and they scheduled me to come in on Thursday morning. My hCG level on Thursday was 206. I had to go back on Saturday to make sure the level was still going up. The nurse said they were looking for it to go up by at least 60%. When she called me later, my result was 577. Whoo hoo! Then we scheduled my first ultrasound for August 13th.

I'm writing this on August 11th and I am 7 weeks, 1 day. Several people have said they think I'm having twins, but we shall see on Wednesday! I am so ready to see a heartbeat and hear that things are looking good. I have felt really awful for the past few days and I didn't have this kind of nausea with Amelia. I've only thrown up a few times and it's been when I brush my teeth. I know each pregnancy is different, but this one is kicking my butt!

So, here's to a great heartbeat and great check-up on Wednesday!