Friday, September 24, 2010

37 Weeks/T-minus 3 weeks

At week 37, your pregnancy is considered full term, meaning baby is likely to thrive after birth. Baby spends these last weeks in preparation for the outside world… meaning careful refinement of the blink, suck, inhale and exhale. Meconium, which you’ll probably find in the first diaper, is accumulating in the intestines. If (okay, as) you worry about giving birth, consider what it’s like for the little one. During the journey out of your womb, baby will produce more stress hormones than any other time in life.

How Far Along: 37 weeks and 5 days
Total weight gain: I had gained a pound at the doctor's office, so now I'm +4 lbs for the pregnancy
Maternity clothes: Oh yes. Very necessary.
Sleep: I haven't had a good solid night of sleep lately. I either wake up every time I turn over because my pelvis hurts or my crazy dreams wake me up. I miss you, sleep!
Best Moment this week: Finding out my progress at the doctor's office (See "Labor Signs") and getting my labor bag and hospital bag almost packed. Yay me!
Movement: Her new fave place to play is right on top of my bladder.
Gender: Sweet baby girl!
Labor signs: When Dr. Harper checked me the other day, he said I wasn't dilated any yet, but that my cervix was thinning out a little. I was expecting something like 20-30%, but he said 60-70%! Holy crap! He said we would probably be delivering in about 2 weeks.
Belly button: Innie, but becoming more shallow
Cravings: Nothing really specific this week
Nausea: It hasn't been too bad this week...thank goodness.
What I miss: Love it all!
Stretch Marks: Present and accounted for!
New/Weird Pregnancy Symptom: Itchy boob. Just my left one. Ha ha!
Weekly wisdom: The human body is an amazing thing in that it knows what to do and when to do it to develop and birth a child. A-mazing.
What I am looking forward to this week: Being 38 weeks pregnant!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

36 Weeks/T-minus 4 weeks

How Far Along: 36 weeks and 6 days
Total weight gain: I had lost 2 lbs at the doctor's office, so right now I'm +3 lbs for the pregnancy
Maternity clothes: My scrub pants still fit well, some better than others. I've actually worn some maternity jeans a few times when it's been cooler outside. I don't see getting too much use out of those though!
Sleep: It's good except for the multiple pee breaks and waking up to turn over due to pelvic pain. But I can usually go right back to sleep.
Best Moment this week: Hearing Amelia's heartbeat at the doctor's office and hearing that everything is going great! Just a few more weeks! AND My co-workers gave me a shower at work on Tuesday. We had Mexican food and cake and we got lots of great gifts! Thomas and my mom came, so that was fun. As much as I dread going to work sometimes, I do have some fantastic co-workers and they make it bearable!
Movement: Instead of kicks and jabs (well, she still likes to punch me in the bladder), she mostly just packs up shop and moves to different places in my belly causing it to contort in certain places.
Gender: Sweet baby girl!
Labor signs: No signs that I can tell, not even Braxton Hicks contractions. I thought the doctor was going to check for dilation this week, but he said he doesn't like to over check, especially until they know the results of my GBS test (which was done at the visit). My next appointment is on Tuesday, so he'll have the results and check me then. I'm now going to the office once a week until the end!
Belly button: Innie, but becoming more shallow
Cravings: Mostly stuff that I don't need to eat. Especially stuff that doesn't have a lot of fiber in it, which I definitely need a lot of now!
Nausea: I woke up with it Wednesday night, but it was dinner-related. I'll say this: I don't not want a Sonic cheeseburger again for a VERY long time.
What I miss: Working without being uncomfortable and so tired at the end of my shift.
Stretch Marks: Present and accounted for!
New/Weird Pregnancy Symptom: A few weeks ago, I mentioned "you don't want to know." Well, that's the case again this week for the same reason except it's a lot worse. If you're very interested, I'll tell you. But for the casual reader, it's probably TMI!
Weekly wisdom: Holy crap! I only have 3 weeks from tomorrow!
What I am looking forward to this week: Going to Atlanta tomorrow to visit Justin and Kate. We haven't seen their new house, so we're looking forward to that. We're also taking Scarlett and going to a dog park. Good times!

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Here are some pictures I wanted to share this week.....

This is the baby book I chose for Amelia. I wanted something unique and couldn't find one in a store that I fell in love with, so I knew I could find one on Etsy. In case you haven't heard of it, it's a website where people hand-make everything from clothes to jewelry to pretty much anything you can think of. It's an awesome site! It came with all sorts of pages to document her first year and blank pages for photos. I can't wait to get started on it!

I wanted to show just how many clothes Miss Amelia has already. These are all the clothes that she won't even be wearing until 6 months. The rest of her newborn/3 month clothes are in drawers. Insanity. Also note the amount of diapers. There are more in a box in the bottom of the closet. My dad estimated the amount around 750. Again...insanity.

Friday, September 10, 2010

35 Weeks/T-minus 5 weeks

How Far Along: 35 weeks and 5 days
Total weight gain: I haven't gotten on the scale this week, so we'll see next week at the doctor's office
Maternity clothes: Definitely a daily requirement
Sleep: The sleep I do get isn't of the best quality since I wake up from pelvic pain every time I turn over. And I'm now getting up more than once to pee. Good times!
Best Moment this week: Having two showers over the weekend, seeing my fam in Augusta, and going to the breastfeeding class at the hospital on Tuesday. I learned a lot!
Movement: My new favorite thing is for people to see my belly move without having to point it out. So funny!
Gender: Sweet baby girl!
Labor signs: None and I hope not to see any for a long time!
Belly button: Innie, but becoming more shallow.
Cravings: I was craving soup for dinner last night and Thomas made some potato and sausage soup. Yum.
Nausea: It's been decent this week
What I miss: Love it all!
Stretch Marks: Present and accounted for!
New/Weird Pregnancy Symptom: On nights after I work all day, I have to be hauled off the couch by Thomas. No fun.
Weekly wisdom: Holy crap...30 days to go!
What I am looking forward to this week: There's not much left of this week and definitely not looking forward to working this weekend. I have my 36 week check up next Thursday and we get to see if I'm progressing any. Here's hoping I'm not just yet!

Friday, September 3, 2010

34 Weeks/T-minus 6 weeks

How Far Along: 34 weeks and 5 days
Total weight gain: I had actually gained 5 lbs at the doctor's office this week!
Maternity clothes: I bought some nursing pajamas and lounge wear last week, so I've got that covered. I'm still tired of the tops I have, but I'm going to have to get over it!
Sleep: It's been mostly good this week with the exception of last night. I didn't ever get into a deep sleep.
Best Moment this week: Getting to hear Amelia's heartbeat on Monday and hearing that things are right on track. Dr. Harper said we'd play it by ear in terms of when I stop working. It would be really nice if I could stop getting ridiculous assignments at work that make me trek to the very opposite side of the hospital to see patients. I feel like the person making the assignment forgets that I'm pregnant or doesn't care. Either way, it's exhausting work!
Movement: Very active and running out of room! Her butt was poking out the other day at work and I had a co-worker feel it. When she kicked, it scared the girl to death! It was hilarious!
Gender: Sweet baby girl!
Labor signs: None and I hope not to see any for a long time!
Belly button: Innie, but becoming more shallow
Cravings: Unfortunately, I'm craving cake. A co-worker brought homemade pound cake to work this week. Yummmm
Nausea: Just this morning when I was brushing my teeth.
What I miss: Love it all!
Stretch Marks: Present and accounted for!
New/Weird Pregnancy Symptom: I don't think there's been anything new or odd this week. I'm sure that will change!
Weekly wisdom: There are so many people anxiously awaiting Amelia's arrival!
What I am looking forward to this week: My co-workers are giving me a shower at Shogun tomorrow night and we're going to Augusta on Sunday for a family shower. Busy weekend!