Monday, June 30, 2014

The Waiting Game

I went to Dr. Butler's office this morning for another ultrasound and bloodwork to see how things are progressing. The follicles are still developing slowly and there are still a lot on my ovaries. My lining is thickening, which is good because my estrogen level had dropped on Friday and a thick lining means that level is going up. The problem with a lot of follicles is that as we continue to stimulate them, they will continue to grow. Growth is a good thing, of course, but we don't want all of them to grow. If they do, I'll end up with like 800 babies in there. Not really that many, but enough to make it unsafe. And Thomas and I don't want to be the next Jon & Kate Plus 8, even though we're confident our marriage could handle it. ;-) So now I'm just waiting to hear from the nurse this afternoon what dose to give tonight and when to come back. Thomas continues to reassure me that Dr. Butler has yet to steer me wrong, so just relax and let him do his job. While that's true, it's still hard to not worry about things not going as they should or not at all. For now, I'm just going to try and enjoy my vacation and let things happen as they will!

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